28 definitions by Ofashea

The act of insulting someone so thoroughly that no response will undue or lesson the insult. An over the top mean spirited insult delivered out of deep spite that truly hurts the recipient and reveals how dickheaded the person is who rendered the insult.
The coach went full sausage on that sensitive young kid when he missed the easy shot .
by Ofashea October 15, 2019
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The choice one makes that is obviously illogical, plainly unintelligent, potentially dangerous, destructive to self and others and yet the choice is made and the consequences unforgiving
His broken, dead body was proof that his poor choice was an example of elective stupidity.
by Ofashea January 17, 2022
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The optional choice one makes to pursue an activity that is obviously non intelligent, potentially dangerous, hurtful land clearly not prudent
Rock climbing without a rope is an example of elective stupidity.
by Ofashea January 8, 2022
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An overly enthusiastic, guilt ridden, compensating, virtue signaling, non ethnic social justice warrior who’s personal life is devoid of challenge, strife, racism, poverty etc and is in fact from wealth.
Showing up to the protest in your Daddies new Mercedes Benz clearly makes you a woke-joke!
by Ofashea March 5, 2021
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Any non physical activity or investment utilized by men to ensure that the woman will be generous with her affections.
Apparently his attempt to scoreplay her with limousine, dinner, drinks and flowers was inadequate.
by Ofashea July 12, 2019
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A person so committed to archery that relationships, family dynamics, financial issues are impacted negatively because the archery passion becomes a unifocal, pathological, obsessive pursuit.
He’s really a great guy, but his bowmosexual tendencies prevented us from growing as a couple so I left him for ever.
by Ofashea May 19, 2023
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The technological movement that requires an ever increasing list of constantly expiring passwords that leads to frustration, anger, delays, annoyances and general discontent with our lives and the world.
The passwordification of our world only complicates our lives and reduces serenity.
by Ofashea March 23, 2019
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