7 definitions by Odd_James

The act of Sneezing and Sharting at the same time.
"worse day of my life..."
"why is that?"
"I have the sniffle shits and no clean underwear."
"Oh snap!"
by Odd_James May 13, 2014
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Biden's Remorse is the same thing as buyer's remorse, except instead of regretting the purchase they are regretting the votes they casted.
People are happy that orange man bad is gone, but most of them are suffering from Biden's Remorse.
by Odd_James January 26, 2021
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This technique is used to escape any awkward situation.

Made famous by Jerry Nadler defecating his pants live on TV and inventing tus technique live on the spot. Truly impressive.

To successfully implement the "Nadler Waddle", you simply straighten your back as if you don't have a spine but only metal rod for a backbone, you continue by clenching your ass cheeks closed as if your life depends on it, (diaper pun intended,) and take very small steps to the side as not to reveal the back of your body to the person or camera you are trying to implement the technique on.
Bro I told you not to eat Chinese food before you get on stage.

I know, but luckily when shit myself I did the Nadler Waddle and got off stage without anybody noticing.

Bro, everyone noticed.

Yeah, it's not a good technique.
by Odd_James December 26, 2020
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EDS, also known as Elon Derangement Syndrome, is a variant of TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome.

This new variant started rapidly-spreading mainly on Twitter around April of 2022, when Elon Musk became partial owner of the company Twitter and all the blue check marks are losing their minds over it.
Why is there so much hate for Elon Musk right now?

The Liberals are suffering from Elon Derangement Syndrome. They think he's going to take over Twitter and "radicalize" it when it's already a Cesspool of censorship and hate.


by Odd_James April 15, 2022
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Fart freckles is when someone accidentally farts on your face when you are eating their ass.
I heard that song about eating the Booty like groceries and I tried it but she gave me fart freckles and her Brown eye gave me pink eye.
by Odd_James November 7, 2019
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The gender version of "whitewashing", where you take a perfectly good film and completely ruin it by making all the male cast members female for the sake of progress.
I used to love Ghostbusters until it was dipped in queef coating. Ruined my childhood.
by Odd_James June 27, 2019
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An already overused unoriginal response the youngsters say to boomers, aka baby boomers or older people.

They say it in an attempt to be witty and shut down conversations, because they are tired of listening to older people, older people who are even more sick and tired of these young whiny entitled children.

When a youngster does not have an argument or anything original to say they say okay boomer because someone else said it and it's trendy to copy others in 2019.

Especially youngsters nowadays, little rascals!
Boomer: "Hello!"
Youngster: "Ok Boomer."
Boomer: "I'll get double cheeseburger with large fries."
Youngster: "Your total is $5.99 first window."
Boomer: "You look adorable in your little uniform, look at you joining the workforce finally becoming less of a burden on society, great job!"
Youngster: "Ok Boomer."
Boomer: "Is that the new iPhone?"
Excited youngster: "Yeah! I just got it thurs...
Interrupting Boomer: "Don't care! Ha! Got eeem! See you later Chad!"
Youngster: "OKAY BOOMER! Damn they didn't hear me, oh well I'll say to the next customer. Welcome to McDonalds Can I take your order?"
Boomer #2: "Hello!"
Youngster: "Ok Boomer."
by Odd_James November 26, 2019
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