13 definitions by ObscuredOne

In the world of The Sims 2, this word is a euphemism for sexual intercourse, in a very generic sense.

Game characters will actually do a dance in which they twist and contort their necks, backs, arms, and legs in ways which would be either very painful or impossible in real life, but which allows the game to have an ESRB T rating whilst still creating the illusion from the partially-obscured woo-hoo-capable object are engaging in something closer to a more realistic sexual position.

In the Simlish language, the term "woohoo!" is used more or less the same as in English, to denote sudden pleasure or pleasant shock. In-game, the act and phrase are both accompanied by the couple making noises, including cat shrieks, dog barks, truck horn noises, and even a female orgasm purr; usually accompanied by magical chimes to indicate pregnancy.

In the world of the game's community, the term has taken the place of "Play in Bed," a term borrowed from the original Sims that did not cause pregnancy in that game. Unlike the original Sims, Sims 2 partners will only woo-hoo in their underwear, unless a hack is applied telling them to do it in the nude. Such hacks are only now available on adult subscription sites.

The related sexual content to the "woo-hoo" feature has been the cause of much controversy, as there is argument over exactly how much sexual content is appropriate in a T-rated game.

"Woo-hoo"-ready objects include the Love Tub, any double bed, and most cars, as well as changing rooms in the shops.

The term was further popularized by its use in the seventh episode of The Strangerhood by Rooster Teeth Productions, where Catherine offers to bang Dutchmiller using the term.
Gal: "What? Why does it say 'woo-hoo' on the screen?"
Guy: "Oh. That just means that those two Sims want sex."
Gal: "But they're not even in love, let alone married!"
Guy: "That's because I installed LizzLove's Swinger's Bed Hack when you weren't looking, now they'll woo-hoo just as long as they're of legal age."
Gal: "Jerk."
by ObscuredOne March 21, 2007
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The act of literally jumping a car over a curb, usually done under one of two instances:

1. A drunk driver wiping out


2. Someone is intending to hit someone

The second condition happens more in video games than in real life, and the phrase was often heard back in the mid-90's by players of Twisted Metal. It can be heard more now by GTA players, as the shouting of "jump the curb!" at the player is an encouragement to run over pedestrians.
1. The drunk man tried to flee to cops, only to jump the curb.

2. "Hit 'em, hit 'em! Jump the curb! Smash!!!"
by ObscuredOne November 24, 2006
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Game-based fanfiction.

1. n., Fan fiction written around a particular video game, board game, PC game, etc, that employs characters and situations relevant to the game and its franchise.

2. n., Fan fiction that employs a particular game's resources to tell an original story. Storytelling and making online comics with a particular game for this purpose is called "machinomics," and making videos is machinima.

"Gameficker": One who makes gamefic.
1. If someone writes fanfic about the characters from "CLUE" or "Monopoly," that's gamefic.

2. Or, someone could make machinomics with The Sims 2 or Sims 3. Also, machinimas such as "Tales of the Past III" (World of Warcraft) and "Red vs. Blue" (Halo) can be considered gamefic.
by ObscuredOne June 22, 2009
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A generally insensitive way (especially to Disney fans) of saying "venison burger," often used to taunt young ones about the fact that they are eating venison. (The more internal joke being the idea that almost any kind of meat can be turned into a McDonald's meal.)
"Hey kiddies, what's it gonna be? Filet-O'-Nemo, or McBambi sandwiches?"
by ObscuredOne November 8, 2006
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The Leibniz-Newton Effect, or LNE, signifies when two alike or similar products or ideas are either created or discovered by two different individuals with no clear evidence that Guy 1 and Guy 2 had any influence on each other.

The term is derived from the fact that Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton both discovered calculus, without knowing about each other until after they had both attempted to get their work published.

In the world of animation, it is said to be the effect of two studios coming up with very similar ideas for a movie with no clear proof that one truly did steal the idea from the other.
With no real solid evidence that either one truly inspired the other, it remains plausible that the release of the eerily similar "Flushed Away" by Dreamworks and "Ratatouille" by Pixar is an instance of the Leibniz-Newton Effect, wherein which great minds think way too much alike.
by ObscuredOne November 10, 2007
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A Canadian musical artist that started off, as many aspiring young female artists do, to make cheery and wholesome music that a wide audience will want to listen to. Then, she was seduced to the pop music world's dark side by DJ Jasper Gahunia, who left her knocked up and with a loss of identity.

In spite rumors of her getting engaged to another man in July 2007 to clean up her act, her reputation was forever tarnished by the incident as well as by her reduction to the performance of complete trash "music" featuring Timbaland.

Her song "Promiscuous" has since been parodied by numerous artists (such as Odd Austin and Every Ape) as "Ridiculous," which is what she became after performing that song.
Nelly Furtado: "Do I seem a dummkopf?"
Timbaland: "Yep."
Nelly Furtado: "I was afraid so..."
by ObscuredOne June 12, 2008
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Web parody of "Heroes," featuring the discovery of "mutants" who have acquired special (albeit worthless) special abilities that enable them to do nothing more than make fools of themselves.
The Mumbler, the Kick-Back-of-Head Guy, the Man-of-Many-Hats, Cindy the Fist-in-Mouth Cheerleader, the Man Whose Stick-Figure Drawings Predict Useless Information About the Future, and the Pinto-Bean-from-the-Eye Man are all talented in pointless ways; making them...Zeroes!
by ObscuredOne February 24, 2008
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