1 definition by OH EM GEE CRAZY STRAW

Quite possibly the best game ever created for Xbox, Rinabow Six 3 is a game that uses real world weapons and swat tactics to take down counter terrorist organizations. Also very enjoyable when played on xbox live in the game type mode "Team Survival".

some slang found only on RS3-
Kills In a Round
0- doughnut, cheerio, fruit loop
1- twinky
2- bendy straw
3- butcrack, working man's smile, blue collar smile
4- pizza slice with attitude
5- omgcrazystraw, crazy straw
6- yo-yo, sperm, half-cancer
8- Rainbow
n00b-Oh Em Gee you got a rainbow!! I got a doughnut :-/
wtf1337zor- n00b! go eat your fruit loop's you fatass!
n00b-that's not very nice
wtf1337zor- haha faggot you just got wtfpwned you loser!
n00b- i'll have none of your sauce..finish your pancakes!
by OH EM GEE CRAZY STRAW June 8, 2005
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