79 definitions by OD Smith

1. A hugely overrated film, with two sequels that even the die-hards couldn't love - even if they did when they watched the trailer.

2. The only computer game less interactive than Myst.

3. Proof positive people want to add non-meanings and subtext to whatever film they like in order to sound intelligent, despite watching an exceedingly dumb film 20,000 times.
by OD Smith February 16, 2005
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Overrated (beyond belief) player with more limitations than you can shake a stick at, but for some reason Sven Goran Eriksson believes he is perfect material for the England captaincy. This ignores the fact he's NEVER captained a team, even at schoolboy level, and believes being England captain means you're supposed to take penalties, no matter how far over the bar they regularly go.

Used to be famous for being married to Posh Spice, but now it's the other way 'round. Now he's famous for shagging women that aren't Posh Spice, giving his children names that ensure years of bullying, and being gnerally useless on the pitch - if and when he gets on it when you consider his standing at Real Madrid.
Any time he's on the front page of the tabloids/Hello for being famous, as opposed to demonstrating any form of footballing ability WHATSOEVER.
by OD Smith March 31, 2005
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For several years, the most famous Russian sportsperson for her exploits (or lack thereof) on the tennis courts. In fact, she earned far more money through advertising deals due to being extraordinarily sexy indeed and looking good advertising sports bras and having FHM shoots than anything she did on court. Mainly as she, famously, never won a single tournament but regularly packed the courts at Wimbledon when playing, before retiring at the age of 23.

The success of Maria Sharapova, fit and a good player with a Wimbledon victory aged 19 in 2004 ended comparisons very quickly indeed.
"Come on Anna!" - The average Wimbledon spectator, either showing his support of projecting his sexual fantasy. Probably both.
by OD Smith June 23, 2005
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A fictitious article on a website, with a headline that is guaranteed to get people to click on it when they see it to get increased traffic to the site.

Bullhits are frequently found on wrestling websites - both PWInsider and WrestlingObserver - as well as football site TribalFootball.
Person 1: "I read on a website that WWE are about to sign AJ Styles."

Person 2: "That was just a bullhit."
by OD Smith September 17, 2009
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The opposite of a smark: the wrestling fan that cheers for who they're told to, as opposed to wrestlers with far more talent who put on far superior matches, no matter how detrimental to the product that person truly is.

This is especially prevalent in the WWE and TNA - orginisations that thrive on the crowd not thinking for themselves.
"Stop cheering for John Cena, you braindead dumark."
by OD Smith September 15, 2007
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When the French win in battle - which they have done, only Americans won't believe it because they're pissy and moronic, in equal measure.
A list of notable French military victories:
Battle of Allia (387 BC)
Battle of Gergovia (52 BC)
Battle of Soissons (486)
Battle of Tolbaic (496)
Battle of Vouille (507)
Battle of Tours (732)
Battle of Pavia (773)
Battle for Paris (885-6)
Battle of Val-es-Dunes (1047)
Battle of Hastings (1066)
Battle of Dorylaeum (1097)
Battle of Ascalon (1099)
Battle of Montgisard (1177)
Battle of Bouvines (1214)
Battle of Morlaix (1342)
Battle of Ardres (1351)
Battle of Cocherel (1364)
Battle of Montiel (1369)
Battle of La Rochelle (1372)
Battle of Chiset (1373)
Battle of Roosebeke (1382)
Battle of Bauge (1421)
Siege of Orleans (1428-9)
Battle of Jargeau (1429)
Battle of Beaugency (1429)
Battle of Patay (1429)
Siege of Compiegne (1429)
Battle of Gerbevoy (1435)
Battle of Formigny (1450)
Battle of Castillon (1453)
Battle of Agnadello (1509)
Battle of Marignano (1515)
Battle of Ceresole (1544)
Battle of Rocroi (1643)
Battle of Nordlingen (1645)
Battle of Lens (1648)
Battle of Dunes (1658)
Battle of Fleurus (1690)
Battle of Beachy Head (1690)
Battle of Landen (1693)
Battle of Denain (1712)
Battle of Fontenoy (1745)
Battle of Roucoux (1746)
Battle of Lauffeld (1747)
Battle of Hastenbeck (1757)
Battle of Carillon (1758)
Battle of Yorktown (1781)
Battle of the Chesapeake (1781)
Battle of Valmy (1792)
Battle of Fleurus (1794)
Battle of Lodi (1796)
Battle of Castiglione (1796)
Battle of the Bridge of Arcole (1796)
Battle of Diersheim (1797)
Battle of Rivoli (1797)
Battle of the Pyramids (1798)
Battle of Mount Tabor (1799)
Battle of Abukir (1799)
Second Battle of Zurich (1799)
Battle of Marengo (1800)
Battle of Hohenlinden (1800)
Battle of Austerlitz (1805)
Battle of Jena (1806)
Battle of Jena-Auerstedt (1806)
Battle of Friedland (1807)
Battle of Tudela (1808)
Battle of Ucles (1809)
Battle of Ciudad-Real (1809)
Battle of Eckmuhl (1809)
Battle of Wagram (1809)
Battle of Medellin (1809)
Battle of Ocana (1809)
Battle of Smolensk (1812)
Battle of Borodino (1812)
Battle of Dresden (1813)
Battle of Lutzen (1813)
Battle of Vauchamps (1814)
Battle of Ligny (1815)
Battle of Trocadero (1823)
Battle of Navarino (1827)
Invasion of Algeria (1830)
Battle of Balaclava (1854)
Battle of Malakoff (1855)
Battle of Solferino (1859)
Battle of Foochow (1884)
First Battle of the Marne (1914)
Togoland (1914)
Battle of Ypres (1914)
Battle of Verdun (1916)
Battle of Vimy Ridge (1917)
Second Battle of the Marne (1918)
Battle of Belleau Wood (1918)
Battle of Chateau-Thierry (1918)
Battle of Amiens (1918)
Battle of Maysalun (1922)
Battle of Koufra (1941)
Battle of Normandy (1944)
Operation Dragoon (1944)
Operation Desert Storm (1991)
Cote d'Ivoire (2003)
by OD Smith July 27, 2008
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Overly defensive (and scarily so) acolytes at the altar of that grating, banal band that we're told we must like on pain of death, The Arctic Monkeys.
"You're an idiot because you don't like The Arctic Monkeys, and I say so as a fan of The Arctic Monkeys so therefore I'm right", and other such bilge from the mouths/keyboards of Arctic Junkies.
by OD Smith May 18, 2007
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