79 definitions by OD Smith

Free online RPG, based at battleon.com - although you can't actually play it free as it's always packed to the gills with members ever since they started promoting it at Newgrounds, so they expect you to pay $10 a month for an upgraded account and a few extra quests on the side, even if you only want a quick game every now and then.
"Oh for fuck's sake, I can't get into my free account of Adventure Quest to waste my lunch hour, and I'm being told to pay up $10 so I can log in at any time! Why can't 37 members log off and piss off so I can get in?!?"
by OD Smith July 8, 2005
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What happens to a General Election when your choice on the ballot paper boils down to a choice between the Conservative Party and a conservative party.
Let me get this straight - I live in a Tory majority and my choices are Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem, UKIP or Veritas, and we know the Tories will get a 20,000 majoity even if I vote Lib Dem?
by OD Smith May 10, 2005
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The greatest military tactician in history, and general of the Carthaginian armies in both Punic Wars against Rome.

Inventor of the pincers movement, pioneered in the Battle of Cannae (216BC), the greatest defeat in Roman military history, and the third of his three great victories over Roman forces (following River Trebia in 218BC and Lake Trasimene in 217BC).

The Carthaginian empire spanned from Tunisia (where Carthage is) through Libya and most of North Africa, Spain, Mallorca, Corsica, Sicily, and Sardinia.

His name also inspired the name of the city of Barcelona, which was once part of the Carthaginian empire.
Alexander the Great may have had the numbers and the massive empire, but Hannibal Barca had the tactics, the better cavalry and ELEPHANTS!!!
by OD Smith August 19, 2007
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A cartoon NOBODY has ever seen (the fact it hasn't even got five votes on the IMDb proves this), but everyone knows of it because it was on that 100 Greatest Cartoons thing - instead of Invader Zim or Ghost in the Shell.
by OD Smith March 21, 2005
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The latest in a long line of poseur rappers to fall off the burgeoning production line with generic gangsta cliches spilling from his mouth at every turn, who'd be nothing if he didn't have 50 Cent and Doctor Dre singing his praises (although the former decided to stop because he forgot to act all tough or something and complimented another rapper - fucking children that they are).

Doesn't get his name from watching WWE wrestling. Honest.
"I'm a white boy that wants to act tough, so I'll buy The Game's CD and only listen to How We Do on repeat play."
by OD Smith March 10, 2005
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Yet another overrated footballer, at least within these shores, for the all familar trait of being English.

He leads the hypocrisy brigade when it comes to the notions of all other footballers, especially foreign ones (i.e. Christiano Ronaldo) are cheats, yet he dived in the 2004 Champions' League Final, and does it regular for his club, Liverpool. Just ask fans of Sheffield United from the opening day of this season, or how about for England duty against Hungary before the World Cup. Of course, as he's English and white, it's "clever" play, unlike when someone like didier Drogba does it.

He also seems to fit into David Beckham's place on the right side of midfield for England very well - he constantly exposes the defence by going on runs up the field or cutting inside in search of his own personal glory, so everyone else has to cover for his ego. Just like he fits into Michael Owen's place at Liverpool due to winning penalties more often than any other player.
Steven Gerrard is the world's best midfielder (apart from the likes of Pirlo or Gattuso, who are World Class, not just players that look good against West Brom and Sunderland).
by OD Smith October 10, 2006
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A two-issue comic series from Jhonen Vasquez, focusing on Devi from JTHM's struggles as a comic book artist against a wall of ignorant editors (probably reflecting Nickelodeon's attitude to Invader Zim) and her rather unfortunate lovelife. Also features a cameo from Nny.

By the way, whisper it, it's his best (comic) work to date. Now go squeeze your Mister Spooky!
Tenna: "Soooo, how's your spleen?"
Devi: "It's doin' good."
Tenna: "Now that I've guided you into a more casual state of mind with my ninja-like precision, you wanna tell me what's wrong?"
by OD Smith March 24, 2005
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