31 definitions by Nuckra

A website where youngins go to make webpages and claim that they are "the shit." Typical diction and language to expect at blackplanet:

"Yo wuzzz realy good, mah? Dis be Tizzle-tee-petey on the riz. Ereday be hangin at the mall fo sho. If yu got that firre come holla atcha bwoy!"


"Hello mamis and whatup my niggus in Northport! Juss wanna give a shout out to my moms and pops on thw wesside, doin it over thurr. Dirty souf in da house, son. Sign my g-spot if ur hot."

Unfortunately, as you can read, blackplanet has gone to the dogs. It no longer is a site where one can find more information about people, meet and greet decent folks. On the contrary, it has been transformed into a bulletin board for non-English speaking American youth, thinking that they are "the hawt shit." Little do they know, though, that approximately 4.3 diffeent people will actually come across their webpage and actually waste their time to read what they have to say. But, I guess that they can "bling", "holla", and "spit that fire" in their little corner of the web (approx. 0.0000000001 of the size of the World Wide Web to be exact) - it's OK by me.

My question to blackplanet admins... Wow, what happened, man?
blackplanet really sucks these days. It is a total waste of website space and yeah, you BP admins know this.
by Nuckra May 5, 2004
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A website where youngins go to make webpages and claim that they are "the shit." Typical diction and language to expect at blackplanet:

"Yo wuzzz realy good, mah? Dis be Tizzle-tee-petey on the riz. Ereday be hangin at the mall fo sho. If yu got that firre come holla atcha bwoy!"


"Hello mamis and whatup my niggus in Northport! Juss wanna give a shout out to my moms and pops on thw wesside, doin it over thurr. Dirty souf in da house, son. Sign my g-spot if ur hot."

Unfortunately, as you can read, blackplanet has gone to the dogs. It no longer is a site where one can find more information about people, meet and greet decent folks. On the contrary, it has been transformed into a bulletin board for non-English speaking American youth, thinking that they are "the hawt shit." Little do they know, though, that approximately 4.3 diffeent people will actually come across their webpage and actually waste their time to read what they have to say. But, I guess that they can "bling", "holla", and "spit that fire" in their little corner of the web (approx. 0.0000000001 of the size of the World Wide Web to be exact) - it's OK by me.

My question to blackplanet admins... Wow, what happened, man?
we already have come to the conslusion that BP has gone to the dogs.
by Nuckra May 5, 2004
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To be unable to go out and have fun with your boys because your girl says it's "me time."
"Dogg, I can't roll to Dream tonight, my stank ass girl got me hemed up again."
by Nuckra May 28, 2003
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n. Descibes an ugly girl who desires men simply because they have a penis, or baby leg, if of the African American descent.
Yo I don't want to take you to Wendy's, uglyho.
by Nuckra May 31, 2003
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To purposely try to foul up someone's mack game.

To cock block.
Nigga, why are you throwing salt in my game? I oughta punch your lights out.
by Nuckra May 28, 2003
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