6 definitions by Nubb'n

(ADJ.)Describes acts of stealing, procuring, getting out of doing a difficult task, or anything sneaky on Navy ships or bases
1. A Ricky Ninja can steal anything that is not welded down.
2. The only thing a Ricky Ninja can't do is steal something bonded at the molecular level or steal something that is heavier than humanly possable to carry.

That does not mean they won't try.
by Nubb'n December 5, 2008
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(Noun)Legendary Sailor with a unnatural ability to shit anywhere, anytime with no remores for person or property, especially the person that has to clean up. Also, known as the Phantom Wizzer or Pisser
1. "The Phantom Shitter stuck again. This time on the Commanding Officer's desk."

2. "This coffee taste like piss!"
by Nubb'n December 5, 2008
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Sailorproof the doors and windows, hide your wifes and daughters, lock away the booze and goats. US Navy is pulling into town

1. A sailor could fuck up a anvil with a rubber mallet.

2. A sailor could get his tongue in the snatch of a young woman wearing a electrified, laser protected chastity belt. Locked inside a concert reinforced safe in the middle of Fort Knox. Without breaking a sweat.

3. Three sailors locked away in a padded cell could break a six pound ball bearing in two hours. With no tools.
by Nubb'n December 5, 2008
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(Noun)Derogatory name for a man with a small penis. Used after one shows their small penis at a party or gathering.
John was dared to streak across the bar. I don't know if it was just cold or if he was a thin brain.
by Nubb'n December 5, 2008
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(Noun)Used mostly as a derogatory slur for a man with small penis. Often used for the smallest "member" in a locker room or boot camp shower.
"There goes Pvt. Runt Dick!"

"Steve is the teams runt dick freshman this year."
by Nubb'n December 5, 2008
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(ADJ.)derogatory slang of a man's small penis. Could also be used an a noun
(ADJ.)"You are a Dipstick!"
(Noun)"Where is he, Where is that Dip Stick."
could be in place of pencil dick, needle dick or thin brain.
by Nubb'n December 5, 2008
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