20 definitions by Nottel Inyu

A conversation simulated in your head. Usually never happens in real life, is had for hypothetical purposes.

Headconvos present the opportunity for you to decide someone else's responses.
Guy #1: So what time do you want picking up tomorrow?
Guy #2: What for, are we going somewhere?
Guy #1: Yeah to th- wait, I asked you about it in a headconvo. Uh... You wanna go to the game tomorrow?
Guy #2: Um... Sure...?
by Nottel Inyu April 25, 2010
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When you use a van as a shield to protect you from oncoming traffic as you pull out onto a roundabout.
Guy #1: Woah, man! What are you doing, you can't see because of that van!
Guy #2: Van shield all the way!
by Nottel Inyu September 27, 2010
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When you are driving along a road and you start to think about other stuff, like what you're going to do when you get home or which cheesy pick-up line you're going to use at the party tonight, and you stop paying attention to the road.

Drift driving may result in drifting onto the wrong side of the road while you're drifting off into your thoughts.
Guy #1: That Stella girl is pretty cute, do you think she'll be at the party tonight?
Guy #2: Maybe, try using the 'your eyes look like stars' line - Stella means star, y'know?
Guy #1: Don't think too hard, dude. You might start to drift drive!
Guy #2: Oops, wouldn't want that...
by Nottel Inyu October 12, 2009
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Guy #1: Insert the thingy into the slot.
Guy #2: ...Is that a... Technical term?
Guy #1: Why, yes. Yes it is.
by Nottel Inyu August 4, 2009
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Proper Computer, i.e. not a smartphone - a desktop or laptop computer. Includes all desktop operating systems.
Guy #1: Let's play some games on my PC.
Guy #2: I thought you had a Mac though?
Guy #1: Just because it's not running Windows, doesn't mean it's not a PC.
by Nottel Inyu August 6, 2018
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Prolonged, organised movement carried out in a car, usually restricted to the arms and head. Dancing to the YMCA or other such party dances are accepted routines for car aerobics.

Car aerobics are usually carried out in a moving car and is an accepted form of exercise.

If multiple people are doing the same car aerobics routine at the same time, this is called synchronised car aerobics, which is both an art and a skill.
Guy #1: Hey, wanna come back to mine and play some Fifa?
Guy #2: Nah, I'm not really into that. I'd rather do some car aerobics on my way home.
Guy #1: I wish I was as motivated to exercise as you.
by Nottel Inyu August 17, 2009
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Driving some cars to an open space, opening all your windows/doors, switching on headlights/indicators, turning up the radio and dancing along to the synchronised beat outside at night.
Guy Number 1: I'm bored, man, what shall we do?
Guy Number 2: Let's go pick up Steve and have a car disco.
Guy Number 1: Fuck yeah, Radio 1 or 2?
by Nottel Inyu June 5, 2009
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