20 definitions by Nottel Inyu

Someone born around the beginning/middle of November due to their parents conceiving them on Valentine's Day.

There are loads of them.
Guy #1: Dude, I why are nearly all our friends' birthdays in November?!
Guy #2: They're all November love children - loads of parents-to-be think it'll be a great idea to conceive on Valentine's Day. November is 9 months later!
by Nottel Inyu January 4, 2010
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As population density increases, the probability of hearing loud bass which you have no control over approaches one.
Guy #1: I can't sleep, man, there's too much bass coming from next door.

Guy #2: Well, we live in high rise flats. If it's not next door it'd probably be the flat upstairs. Bass Law.
by Nottel Inyu June 27, 2009
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Flipping through the deck over and over while playing the card game Solitaire even though there are no more moves available, denying that you have lost even though you already know it.
Guy #1: Dude, you've gone through the deck 3 times already. Give it up, you've lost.
Guy #2: ...So I have. I'm in solitaire denial again.
by Nottel Inyu May 30, 2010
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Quantification for more than 1 and less than 3 of something.

Around 2.

For 3 or more, see few.
Guy #1: It's going to take me a couple of months to finish this painting for you.

~10 weeks later~

Guy #1: Here's your painting!
Guy #2: Thank you, I have no issues with the delivery time of this painting.
by Nottel Inyu January 31, 2012
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Things that most people have which stop people from doing things that either:
1) are mean or unfair to other people or
2) have been outlawed by a higher power, such as the police or God, usually for the protection of others' health or rights.

Morals do not have a physical form, although some "codes of conduct" attempt to represent them.
Guy #1: Let's go steal some wallets!
Guy #2: But that's not fair to the people who own the wallets! You have such bad morals!
by Nottel Inyu July 12, 2009
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When you need to stretch, but you don't want to stop playing your game by letting go of your controller, so you do a half-arsed stretch instead, while still pressing buttons on your controller. It's not as good as a proper stretch but it is adequate for the time being.
Guy #1: I need to stretch, but if I stop playing for 3 seconds, I'm gonna get shot in my game!
Guy #2: Do a gamer stretch, that way you can keep playing.
by Nottel Inyu November 8, 2009
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A Driver's Complex is contracted after one learns how to drive. It is the need never to sit in the back seat of a car ever again.

Symptoms include challenging legitimate shotgun calls and picking fights with the person in the front passenger seat.
Guy #1: Shotgun!
Guy #2: Calm down, Steve! You have a really bad Driver's Complex...
by Nottel Inyu July 1, 2009
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