1 definition by Notorious DKG

1. n. An object, joining two or more items together, as in a chain.

2. v. The act of joining two or more items together.

3. n. A word/phrase/picture on the internet you can click to bring you to another page. Also called "hyperlink."

4. v. The act of joining two web pages together with a hyperlink.

5. n. A classic Nintendo character from the Legend of Zelda video game series.

6. n. Something that apparantly I am the weakest one of.

7. n. Part of a chain.
1. The link between man and ape has yet to be found.

2. Handcuffs are linked together by a short chain.

3. You got to this page through a link, most likely.

4. I have my web page linked to my friend's.

5. Link wears green and rescues princess Zelda.

6. You are the weakest link; good-bye.

7. If one link of a chain breaks, then the whole chain falls apart.
by Notorious DKG August 2, 2004
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