1 definition by Nooom

Fuckery, a true art form using magik or chess like mind games. To scheme or plot on someone in an elaborate lie to mind fuck them. Can also be used to say someone may have been cursed, or hexed and they are suffering from mental psychosis.
damn you had me goin for a bit, i got mad paranoid bro that was some serious Fuckery you pulled.
I cant believe that acid man, jerry didn't take any and was messing with are heads, some serious Fuckery was going on.
My ex is messin with my head, one min she tells me she still loves me then posts pictures of her in bed with some dude, Fuckery at its greatest.
I knew that kid was into black magic, it seems every thing i touch turns to shit. I hate this Fuckery, hell get his.
You really banged on the door saying police open up, talk about Fuckery, i was about to jump out the window.
by Nooom February 23, 2014
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