10 definitions by NoLove_4_BS

The genitals of a male moth
Jim; Hey Sahra, Have you ever smelled moth balls before?

Sahra; Why yes I have.

Jim; Oh really, How did you get their little legs apart?

by NoLove_4_BS October 28, 2009
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Short for "Dumb Ass"
or used as clever or
obtuse slag.

As in,Mr. and or Mrs.Dumoss
Well Hello, Mr.Dumoss,come on in I've been expecting you.
Everything else has gone wrong today.
by NoLove_4_BS April 21, 2009
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To savor a nice wet soft pussy with slow and steady tongue action. Ending with a direct and light sucking action of the
clitoris, right before and during a woman's orgasm.
I could tell by her grateful and satisfied smile, that the munching
she had just received, was to her liking.
by NoLove_4_BS October 27, 2009
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Another name for a cock,dick.
As in,she's talking on my bone a phone.

Hey Bitch ! Don't you hear that ringing sound between my legs?
It's my bone a phone and it's ringing for you.

She talked on my bone a phone, all night long.
by NoLove_4_BS April 21, 2009
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A weak champagne,a girly mans drink.

Like a shirley temple,with very little alcohol.
Yea, Us men are going to have a real beer. Give Jerry over here, some "babysham".
That's because he's a
little girly-man.
by NoLove_4_BS April 22, 2009
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Dip-shit,jack-off,someone who is a clumsy oaf
"An awkward stupid person"
You're such a stupid Nemrod,you couldn't even JERK OFF,without screwing it up
by NoLove_4_BS April 21, 2009
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Usually used when talking about another person, when you can't remember their name.

As used in southwest of the U.S.
Yea, I saw eeerr,"Ole Numb Nuts" wrap his car around that tree.
Whatta fuckin' loser.
by NoLove_4_BS April 21, 2009
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