3 definitions by Nikuru

Attempting to lead on a girl by means of flirting or the flaunting of money, that will end up screwing up your life rather than making it better through real love. Everyone else knows she's bad news, but you don't see it.
Roger: "I think I'm gonna ask Jannice out on a date."
Freddie: "No way, man. That's seducing medusa."
by Nikuru January 16, 2006
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Wu Tang - adj.
1) Not of azn, or Asian, descent.
2) About as Asian as David Carradine.
3) Downright stupid.

See Also: Rap or, Retards Attempting Poetry.
"Today on 'National Geographic,' we explain the differences between America and Japan. First off, the Americans are scarred with the 'Wu Tang,' of whom are not of Asian descent. Japan, however, has a lot of vending machines. And aren't rappers."
by Nikuru December 18, 2005
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adj. Having a butt so red, it reminds one of a monkey or babboon.
After little Timmy was spanked for stealing, he had monkey buns.
by Nikuru January 1, 2006
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