52 definitions by Nik

Vega is a short form for Cerwin Vega speakers. Or used for any car audio. Commonly used to tell somone how awsome there sound system is
Shit man, your vegas POUND, I think my ears are bleeding!!
by Nik April 15, 2005
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possibli da most borin game eva created.it has no point but to kill lil snail n mushrooms, like they can't even hurt u. u cant do shit in da gayme; wutt is da point?.....
1)wutt so good about 'maple story?'
2)stupid dik u think ur so good cuz ur killin mushroomz!
3)wuttz the point ov hakin if the gaymez so borin..?
by Nik January 12, 2005
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A vaguely defined term from the Latin word Poganus meaning countryman that has become an umbrella term for a group of reconstructed pre-Christian beliefs systems which are often nature centred. Followers of these belief systems share a wide variety of beliefs as these beliefs systems tend not to be formally structured and very focused on individual spirituality. Their beliefs can be polytheistic, animistic, pantheistic, monotheistic, bitheistic, nontheistic or a mixture of the former. Alternatively and less confusingly the term Neopagan can be used as the term has also been used for centuries as a derogotory term for any non-Abramic belief system.
Religions that have come to be considered (neo)pagan include; Wicca, Shamanism, Astatru(thought Asatruars seem to prefer the term Heathen) and, Druidism.
by Nik March 25, 2005
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(1) another term for loser (2) someone who easily gets confused and can't buy tickets the right way kz she doesnt know the time (3) anyone named diane
Diane is a f***ing woozer
by Nik April 19, 2005
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What it usualy says before a search box on a dictionary website (on the other side from the search button)
look up and you'll see "Look up" i.e., it's at teh top of this page...
by Nik January 19, 2004
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adj. Having the properties, relationship with, or characteristics of a pimp.
Yo, Amanda's new Caddy is pimptastic!
by Nik February 2, 2004
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