4 definitions by Niggercheese

A cool fat guy who is very outgoing and smells like weed. Probably is uncircumcised.
by Niggercheese March 8, 2019
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When you take a shit and your poop is 8 inches or bigger. You constantly insert it into your asshole, while screaming, “Yes Tyrone, you’re way better than my (husband or wife) ever was”.
I gave myself a Big Tyrone last night. It sure did make up for a shitty excuse for my divorce.
by Niggercheese August 20, 2019
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She is a intelligent girl that maybe racist. She might often assume a black person has stolen something of hers. Also an impulsive liar that lies about knowing how to roller skate
Koan and Alexis*steals Erin’s phone*
Erin: Tyrone did you steal my phone
Tyrone: *tries to prove innocence*
Erin: You’re getting lynched buddy
by Niggercheese March 8, 2019
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A tall, lanky asian dude that constantly is trying to hit on girls. He continuously eats large quantities of food at lunch while spewing racist remarks and anime.
“Ew do you see that braedan over there”
“Do you mean the one taking about turning black people into roasted marshmallow
by Niggercheese March 8, 2019
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