36 definitions by Niggadicks

One who runs in circles, and possesses the 1337ness to add zeros to their descriptors. See noobaloid.
1337Jack: You fuckin' n00baloid.
by Niggadicks October 9, 2006
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A small, usually cylindrical and aluminium depository for semen. Portable, easy to carry, and often mistakable as cans of soup.
Fred: Shit, G! I thought I was makin' some cream of mushroom soup... but fuck! I really cooked up the contents of a sperm canister!
Jason: fr0ffle
by Niggadicks July 4, 2006
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a maul hoot mixed with hash. also known as a masher.
"I've got some hash, let's rip some mashers boys"
"Mash hoots to the dome!"
by Niggadicks June 9, 2009
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a term used to describe the action of pulling through with a fat bong hoot.
"way to pooch that bowl, homes."
by Niggadicks June 9, 2009
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Laughing so hard you trip and fall into a cataclysm.
Jurgen: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Jargen: oh no, Jurgen lollylopzkizmaled :(
Jorgen: k
by Niggadicks July 4, 2006
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