1 definition by Nichole(:

The best friend that you could possibly ever have. She is always there for you whenever you need her and she always know what to say and do to every situation. One of the most hilarious people that you will ever meet in your entire life. Kaitlin's love babies and are some of the most caring people that you will ever meet. Kaitlin's are usually very athletic and good at a large variety of sports. Kaitlin's can also be described as hard working. Any guy would be lucky to have a Kaitlin because they are everything that any guy would ever want and more. Kaitlin's are extremely pretty and most of the time don't even realize it even though the rest of the world clearly does. If you ever have the chance to have a Kaitlin in your life I would definitely let her in!
Anyone would want to have a Kaitlin as their best friend, but she already has hers.
by Nichole(: August 27, 2011
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