5 definitions by New_Uzer

the process by which a girl will go on numerous outings for dinner with no intention of dating, sleeping with, or even kissing the guy who is treating.

Note: this is like a sport in Chicago and NYC.
We went out the third time and i realized she was dinnering me, not dating, so i was never going to get laid.
by New_Uzer November 16, 2016
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when your dump overrides the smell of other peoples dumps in a public restroom, thus asserting your dominance over them, and granting you relief from their aroma.
I took an alpha dump in the middle stall this morning. The other two left immediately.
by New_Uzer November 15, 2016
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(Noun) a person who thinks it is acceptable to schedule their stupid life event (wedding, baby shower, etc.) on holiday weekends, thus putting you in a socially precarious spot of forfeiting your free time or telling them they're not worth a long weekend.
Friend: we're going to the lakehoude for the 4th. Wanna come?
Me: I wish I could but Ellen is a holiday hijacker and scheduled her stupid wedding for that weekend.
Friend: Bitch.....
by New_Uzer January 2, 2019
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Twitterdick; (noun) the sensitive area of ones public persona that becomes damaged when said individual is savaged on Twitter.
Me: Did you see the tweet from the Holocaust Museum saying Lindsay Graham was full of shit?
Friend: Yeah....right in the twitterdick.
by New_Uzer November 27, 2018
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The male targeting counter to slut shaming where men are made to feel bad about themselves for having man-thoughts, or saying/doing man-things.
Katie caught her boyfriend Steve on pornhub and manshamed (manshaming) him by telling his mom what a pig he is.
by New_Uzer November 29, 2017
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