52 definitions by New English

A store that prides itself as being "upscale" but it is a horrible company to work for. All of the employees have some stupid abbreviation for their title. There are three types of people who work in Target; the loyalists who have a bulls eye tattooed on their asses, the people who are biding their time in between jobs, and the most tragic, the broken-spirited people who do not have the will to look for another job and take the abuse. The GSTLs are the worst people as they are drunk on their own power. The store manager is usually a figurehead. This company is like something straight out of Dickens. On top of all of this, the stores are so inefficiently run that it is a mystery that it maintains corporate status.
Target should be avoided due to its treatment of employees.
by New English June 7, 2009
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The area of Montana located west of the Continental Divde. Missoula is the primary city. This is characterized by being mountainous, while the majority of Eastern Montana lies in the Great Plains.
Western Montana is very pretty but prohibitively expensive to live in.
by New English December 14, 2008
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To kick someone, usually your kids, outside when the weather is nice. This helps prevent them from becoming McChildren and prevents fresh air poisoning. This can also be done with pets when the weather is nice and you don't want to have to let them in and out.
It was warm so he punted his kids outside.
by New English January 22, 2009
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Rural flight is the phenomenon that occurs in farming communities. As farms have become more mechanized, fewer people are needed to work them. Therefore, the children of farmers often leave for work in cities. Rural flight often depopulates towns to the point that the majority of the residents are elderly.
The Midwest and the Great Plains regions are replete with examples of rural flight. Younger people move away from the farming towns due to a lack of jobs and opportunity. This leaves many of the towns with an aging population.
by New English July 9, 2010
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This is the night before Thanksgiving and one of the biggest party nights of the year since this is the start of Thanksgiving weekend and most people are home for the holidays at this time.
The bars were packed on Thanksgiving Eve and I saw a bunch of my old friends from high school.
by New English March 28, 2010
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This is the urination directly after a bowel movement. It is a pleasant feeling and you are truly relieved after that.
I took a huge shit after getting to the motel room. When I finished I had a post poop piss. I feel truly relieved.
by New English May 7, 2009
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These are cars that are multicolored, looking like they have been pieced together.
One of my friends from high school had a car that had a gray hood but the rest was tan. It was a true junkyard refugee.
by New English September 12, 2010
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