23 definitions by NeverMindWho


Good. Perfect. Untainted. Mint condition. Healthy.

Of something or somebody.
If a car salesman tells you the car is in top notch shape, just kick him straight in the gonads.

Despite the cocktail of Anejo tequilla and cocaine, I feel in top notch form this morning!
by NeverMindWho March 3, 2006
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Nonsensical exlamation used my Michael Jackson at the end of each lyric line.
Usually preceded by yihee!
Yiiiheee!Shamowa!Ahhh! You gotta be startin' somethin' shamowa!
by NeverMindWho February 8, 2006
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A cop dildo.

Ocassionally used by over zealous officers either on the beat or off-duty.
Innocent by-stander: Hey officer!
Officer: Yah?
Innocent by-stander: Nice badge!

Sergeant: Now I want you to stick that polished badge in nice, deep n' slow...
Rookie: Yes Sarge sir! Yes Sarge!
Sergeant: And call me Amanda.
by NeverMindWho March 5, 2006
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The "Greaseless Muscle & Joint Pain Relief Cream". Bengay was brought to North America from France in 1898 and continues to relieve pain for millions of sufferers more than 100 years later.
Developed in the late 1800's by Dr Bengue, a French pharmacist, BENGAY (analgesic rub) is a medicated cream that reduces muscle and joint pain. The BENGAY family of analgesic rubs offers quick and effective relief to anyone suffering from muscle ache, joint or minor arthritis pain.

Product Description

Warm penetrating relief of arthritis and joint pain
Bengay Arthritis Extra Strength is specially formulated to penetrate deep down to provide long lasting and effective relief of minor arthritis, joint and muscle pain
Non-greasy, non-staining formula.

Available formulas:
Bengay* Ice Extra Strength, Bengay* Original, Bengay* Muscle Pain No Odour, Bengay* Muscle Pain Ultra Strength.
Friend 1: Dude I've got such a friggin back ache from bangin your sister last night.
Friend 2: Really? Remove your shirt and let me apply BenGay's warm and penetrating cream on your back.
Friend 1: Euew dude! You fuckin' homo!
Friend 2 (scoffing): I just wanted to massage some cream on your back.
by NeverMindWho February 17, 2006
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The Persian Gulf (In Farsi: Khaleej-é-Farrs) is the mass of water located between the Iranian peninusla and the Arab states of Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman.

Since the 1960s, Arab states (or Persian Gulf Arabs )have unsuccessfully tried to change the name of the Persian Gulf into the "Arabian Gulf". This term is not used in English and is not acknowledged by organizations such as the United Nations, The National Geographic Society, and official cartographers.

The Persian Gulf is called Persian beacause of the history of Iran which dominated the region and beacause Iran has the longest coastline on the Persian Gulf.
The Persian Gulf was, is and will be called as the Persian Gulf until the end of times.
by NeverMindWho March 3, 2006
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To Himmlerise someones rim or ass. When your friend betrays you, or does something against your interests, or when you are generally pissed off with somebody and want to threaten their physical security you say, "Am gonna Himmlerise yo rim!". It is another way of saying am gonna kick your butt or I am going to give you a severe beating that you will find hard to forget.

Note: People not familiar with recent 20th Century history will not understand.

Background: The term Himmlerise is taken from the name of Heinrich Luitpold Himmler who was the commander of the German Schutzstaffel (SS). He controlled the SS and the Gestapo during the Nazi regime. He became one of the main architects of the Holocaust, using elements of mysticism and a fanatical belief in the racist Nazi ideology to justify the mass murder and genocide of millions of victims. Himmler was responsible for implementing the industrial scale extermination of between six and twelve million people. Among the victims were Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Communists, Blacks, Catholics and Slavs.
When captured in 1945 he committed suicide prior to his interrogation. (from Wikipedia).

So you see not a very good person.
Am gonna Himmlerise yo rim!
by NeverMindWho March 2, 2006
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