18 definitions by Nettled

A solitary electric burner used for cooking food, or to be shat on with plastic wrap between you and fecal matter.
The sales associate at wal-mart offered me several hotplates.
by Nettled October 11, 2003
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Macgyer drove a jeep and had a mullet for a while.
by Nettled October 12, 2003
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1. A carmalized popcorn treat
2. Utter bullshit
3. A penis that makes popping noises
George W. Bush = poppy cock
by Nettled October 11, 2003
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1.Someone of annoyingly low intelligence
2. See George W. Bush
The president is retarded
by Nettled October 12, 2003
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1. Someone who's full of shit, an idiot, or likes to run linux even though they can't make the sound work.
2. Turkey slow roasted in artificial jive flavoring.
1. Jim: Linux is so much better than windows even though I can't make the sound work.
Me: Shut yo mouth, fuckin Jive Turkey.

2. Damn that be some good Jive Turkey, pass the corn flakes.
by Nettled October 22, 2003
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Bodily waste of varying color, viscosity, shape, odor and texture. Usually exits the body through your pooper, speed, noise and degree of pain may vary depending on what you ate.
even the soda at taco bell makes me poop.
by Nettled October 11, 2003
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A car that smells like hot dogs or barbecue sauce
my chevette is a hooptie
by Nettled October 12, 2003
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