1 definition by Nerd_Girl_Loves_Interwebz_Fran

Greatest person on Earth. Not Lauren, tho. Loren. Her name spelling is just as unique and amazing as the actual person. She is the nerdiest, sweetest, Hufflepuffiest, most amazing girl you will ever meet, EVER. She has slight obsessions with Harry Potter, Chris Colfer, Glee, Darren Criss, A Very Potter Musical, vloggers and all that is nerdy, but that makes her a million times more totally awesome. She is the biggest Christian evar, and loves equality for everyone. She's smart and has a heart made of butterflies and pure sweetness. She is amazing and the best friend ever. If you get a chance to meet her, your mind will be blown and the world will proceed to implode then explode. She's full of happies and smiles and she has the ability to make everyone around her smile. She's just amazing. She deserves hugs and she's never allowed to frown. Everyone is in love with Loren. Loren is Loren, which makes her the coolest bitch on Earth, God dammit!
Guy 1: Have you met that amazing, beautiful girl yet?
Guy 2: You mean Loren? YES. She is flawless.
by Nerd_Girl_Loves_Interwebz_Fran September 6, 2011
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