26 definitions by Negger

How can I tell if my baby has diarrhea?
An occasional loose stool is nothing to worry about, but if your baby's bowel movements suddenly change; that is, he poops more than normal and passes watery, mucus- or blood-streaked stools that are clear, yellow, green, or very dark, it's diarrhea. A newborn will normally poop up to eight or 10 times a day, and an older baby may poop anywhere from a couple of times a day to once or twice a week. Diarrhea will sometimes, but not always, have a foul smell.

A normal bowel movement from a breastfed baby who's not yet on solids is usually yellowish and on the soft or liquid side. (Many parents say these early poops smell like buttermilk). Because your baby's stools can change consistency and color depending on what he's eating or what's in your breast milk, your nose will usually tell you if something's wrong.

A formula-fed baby usually poops once or more a day and has yellow or tan bowel movements of a peanut butter-like consistency that may smell a bit. Formula-fed babies are more prone to the illnesses that cause diarrhea because they don't get the protective antibodies from breast milk.

Once your baby starts eating solids, his poop will firm up but will also change consistency based on what he's been eating — and start to smell more than before. If your baby's solid bowel movements start getting liquid again, it may be diarrhea.

While a severe case of diarrhea can alarm even the most unflappable parents, rest assured that in the U.S. most cases of diarrhea are relatively mild and don't pose a major health threat as long as your baby doesn't get dehydrated. If your baby is otherwise healthy and is getting plenty of fluids, the diarrhea will probably clear up in a couple of days. WAMP! VED!!!!
by Negger March 5, 2005
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Yo, she bit my dick while giving me head, my dick looks like this now: 8=========
by Negger November 10, 2003
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Not really sure. A Fucking kYKE, a Faggot spYKE. Who knows. All I know is that I hate you.
by Negger November 28, 2003
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When you're dancing at a club and you shake yourself side to side but instead you end up shaking your nuts side to side and each time it slaps your leg. May be audible.
syozza every1
syozza EVERY1
syozza dance
* syozza dances
* Jammywanks dances
* Jammywanks jiggle your nuts
syozza DANCE!
* Navy_Spitfire pantces
* (V)ighty(V)ike can't dance
* (V)ighty(V)ike is scarred
syozza DANCE!
* eaglejox jumps around
* Jammywanks pulls his pants down and shits on the dance floor when the smoke effects come out

* (V)ighty(V)ike dances =(
* Jammywanks jiggles his nuts
* Jammywanks left and right
* Jammywanks side to side
* eaglejox wonders wtf jiggles is

Jammywanks jiggle is like shaking your nuts
Jammywanks only your nuts
Jammywanks you can't jiggle your ass

Navy_Spitfire who is this jammy wanks kid
blayzinyo the guy that invented jiggling
* blayzinyo jiggles
by Negger December 9, 2005
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1)Anyone who is Jammy.
2)Anyone who likes to wank.
3)Anyone who likes the taste of schmegma.
4)A Smeghead.
Jammywanks!!!! YEEEEaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Negger March 6, 2004
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