26 definitions by Negger

1. A cook during a beerbecue.

2. One who wears a Ben & Jerry's apron while smoking a cigar.
Oh my god dude, I was so hammered last night and this jlevs kept throwing food at me.
by Negger December 11, 2004
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When Telemundo makes out with the Wamp Ass Jape and gets herpes.
by Negger July 10, 2004
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Dude, see that spic heeb in the scratched up red pickup truck? Thats Vinnie Conte!
by Negger November 5, 2003
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When Chang goes "ERRMMMM!!!!! WRRRHHHMMM!!!! ERRRRMMMMMM!!!!" often followed by closed fist pounding of the lap.
Person A: Dude, would you quit coughing so hard, or are you trying to clear your throat?

Chang: No. I just have a small case of Chang Disorder.
by Negger March 11, 2005
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the amount of 'tammy' one posesses
Wamp: Hey, why doesn't Pat ever go out?
Jape: It's because he's got no 'tammystyle'.
Shpep: Tamp Ass Jammyshmanks
by Negger October 28, 2004
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Any geographical area that lacks cell phone service, or has very poor reception.
"I should not have signed up for Voice Stream because their service sucks shit in the East Coast. They have so many dead zones in their so called "Coverage Area"."
by Negger September 9, 2003
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Can I borrow a few thousand bucks from your six year old mother for a pound of weed?
by Negger October 21, 2003
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