2 definitions by Nebetsu

When a person is lying on the ground, and you grab his legs with your hands and press your foot into his testicles like a gas pedal while pulling on his feet. Sometimes this can be combined with the yelling of "GAS PEDAL!"
"Oh man! He just got gas pedalled good! He's not going to have kids for a while!"
"Hey look! His nuts are a gas pedal!"
by Nebetsu November 26, 2004
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A powerful entity that roams the internet, slaying all ignorance that he encounters on his way. This pure force loves to argue with people and challenge the authorities on the net.

The word Nebetsu comes from an old Teel expression meaning "Slayer of the weasel". This ancient language has been lost since the destruction of the planet of the people who spoke it.
"Look out! Here comes Nebetsu"
by Nebetsu November 26, 2004
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