108 definitions by Natalie

sorely missed cheeky-chappy hollyoaks character.
"jambo should never have left hollyoaks. 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps is wank."
by Natalie May 24, 2004
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Another name for marijuana. Like weed
"Bun da reefa!"
by Natalie June 6, 2003
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a guy or girl that fucks anybody and is dirty.
Kristy Byrd is the biggest dirt bag i know.
by Natalie November 18, 2004
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from the latin ruopa meaning "gods perfect creation". ruan is amazingly gorgeous with a wicked sense of humour. he is intelligent and knows how to party. if you are lucky enough to come across a ruan, treasure this special being for ever - you wont regret it!
ruan from essex is a fine example
by Natalie April 22, 2005
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a sound in written form meaning agreement, 'yes', can also be used as a coy/sexy way of agreeing
1) 'you really like those chips dont you?' 'mm hmm.'

2) 'yo baby, you like when i touch you liek that?' 'mm hmm.'
by Natalie May 12, 2004
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TMV stands for The Mars Volta. The most fucking kickass band on the planet.
Me: Have you heard of TMV?
You: No
Me: That makes sense because you are an MTV watching conformist.
by Natalie January 23, 2005
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