13 definitions by Natalia

like when you are sweating so much undreneath your armpits.
OMG krissy im super crispy because i was just running
by Natalia March 26, 2005
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(Two friends can use this to agree or as a response to an extremely boring story!)
"... and then she did that, which I could not BELIEVE, and I was like SO MAD..."


"Sheesh -"
"I refuse to 'abob' that 'sheesh'!"
by Natalia April 15, 2004
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vb. to walk home according to the GLC
I lost all my money and couldn't afford a taxi so I had to Shanks and Bigfoot all the way!
by Natalia December 1, 2004
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to run very fast. Derives possibly from either 'peg leg' or just an alternative to 'leg' as in 'leg it'
by Natalia December 7, 2004
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Someone or something that is rubbish. Derived from bobbins
"Busted are so bobbins face!"
"My sister is such a bobbins face!"
by Natalia December 1, 2004
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Description of someone who's got the hook ups.
Natalie got us into the club, that girl's got the heat.
by Natalia March 10, 2003
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to hurt, to be painful, to cause pain (usu. a body part)
I hit my leg and now it crebs!
by Natalia November 29, 2004
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