26 definitions by Naomi

A truely spiffing band. Sadly, people only seem to take notice of the sexy lead singer, and not the other two sexy members! They are friends with David Bowie, which makes them even cooler. Look out for the bassist's dance moves, they rule.
Oh my, when I saw Placebo live I was about two feet away from Stefan's hips *drools*
by Naomi June 27, 2004
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a description of something that is gooey and drippy.

a word invented by my kids
there is wallpaper glue on the floor, you step in it, it is goopy.
by Naomi January 3, 2004
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in hebrew slang - means a great success, far more than what you imagined
my grade is above and beyond the coated
by Naomi March 14, 2005
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Used in the Libertines song "What A Waster", this phrase means "Cheap Whore"
Mind your bleedin' own, you two bob cunt.
by Naomi September 2, 2004
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Anti-bush means you are against the over growth of pubic hair in your nether region. A prefence for short or no pubic hair.
Because I am "anti-bush" I shave a minimum of 2 times per week to maintain my well kept genital garden.
by Naomi February 3, 2005
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used to describe a dumbass who keeps breaking agreements and ruining my trust issues
"what a waeo moment!"
by Naomi September 15, 2021
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GokuXZ is SOOOO Sexy <3
by Naomi September 16, 2003
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