13 definitions by NYkid420

A combination of the words skank, twat, and cunt. The worst thing you could call someone.
She wouldn't let Chris come to the hockey game.

Wow, what a skwunt.
by NYkid420 November 26, 2009
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1. An American Football team.

2. A clever way of using an acronym to call someone a homosexual. As, 'N.Y.G.' = 'Nigga, you gay.'

Can be abbreviated such as, 'Giants fan, huh?'
Steve: I love Sex and the City.

Bilbo: New York Giants, eh?
by NYkid420 December 21, 2010
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1. A feeling of uneasiness in your digestive system.

2. The physical act of shitting and puking simultaneously. Hence, to shuke...
1. Oh, man, those tacos made me feel like im going to shuke.

2. After last night, I'll be sitting on the can all day waiting to shuke.
by NYkid420 January 19, 2010
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The act of vomiting into a woman's vagina while performing oral sex on her.
I went down on Betsy last night and her cunt smelled so bad I ended up giving her a twice baked potato.
by NYkid420 February 20, 2010
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A physical act performed by insertion of both testicles into the vaginal opening during doggystyle anal sex.
The whole time I was blasting Aaron's mom's ass, I was packing for Europe!
by NYkid420 July 21, 2011
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A dick fart. A man queef.
A:Man, I think air just came out of my dong...

B:Dude, you just threw a zight!
by NYkid420 February 26, 2010
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She wanted to bang but I was well into hammerdom so I talked her in to giving me some sloral.
by NYkid420 September 16, 2012
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