3 definitions by NSM_13

A surprisingly rare breed of metal that includes some form of electronic or computer generated instrumentals or effects. NIN, Static-X, Fear Factory, Rob Zombie, are a few examples of bands whom are or have created industrial metal.
by NSM_13 August 21, 2005
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Fred Charles Krueger: Bastard Child of 1,000 Maniacs

Born in a asylum after his mother was raped by it’s inmates Freddy was quickly put up for adoption after birth. He slipped through countless foster homes, most of which abused him. As he grew up he stumbled onto the perverse joys of sadomasochism and began torturing animals as well as inflicting pain upon himself. As he grew older his blood lust grew more powerful. Because his innocence had been taken at such an early age, he developed a fierce hatred of innocence, along with humanity itself. Because the greatest pain of all is to lose a child, he began killing children. It’s unclear whether or not he molested the children, but there’s a good chance that he did, but not out of sexual feelings towards the children, but rather climax from the power he had over them. In the fear that he created came a sense of godliness.

He was eventually arrested, but got off on a technicality. The parents soon formed a lynch mob and torched his dwelling to the ground, burning him alive. Then the nightmare began. Years later the parents’ children began dreaming of a vengeful and scarred Freddy Krueger. In these dreams they were stalked by the bladed gloved maniac; if he caught them and killed them in the dream they would die in the real world also.

Freddy Krueger and A Nightmare on Elm Street was created by Wes Craven. It was followed by two great sequels (though many tend to shun the first sequel) and three horrid, watered down, lackluster sequels. Things looked bad for the character Freddy Krueger until Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, where Freddy was once again a maniac to be feared, not laughed at. Freddy Vs Jason followed later. In it Freddy was semi-scary and semi-funny. The effort of Ronny Yu was, for the most part, a success. Other sequels and crossovers are inevitable, but the first NOES movie will always be remembered as a horror movie milestone.
His name is Freddy Krueger...and he loves children.
by NSM_13 August 21, 2005
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A catch phrase designed to capitalize on the up surge of fad-ish Jesus freaks inspired by The Passion Of The Christ.
by NSM_13 July 1, 2005
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