1 definition by N3R.N3R

A girl who uses websites like MySpace to build up an audience for whom to take daily images of herself in hopes of getting praise and compliments from said audience. This is done in hopes of getting an ego boost. Cam whores are typically vain, self-centered girls. Cam whoring is addictive and will ultimately lead to a withdrawal from normal life in favor of the online life where everyone is full of praise and compliments. Symptoms of addiction include increased vanity, increased ego, decreased motivation for anything other than cam whoring, increased spending on new outfits and cameras, decreased tolerance for anyone not kissing your ass and telling you how hot you are. The only known cure is a 100% cold turkey deletion of MySpace and all similar accounts. With time the symptoms will subside, but beware as they are prone to resurface.
Morgan is such a cam whore since she signed up with MySpace. I wish we could have our old Morgan back!
by N3R.N3R September 13, 2007
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