36 definitions by Mystikan

Worthless, excessively sparkly or flashy trinket, bauble, or jewellery, often mass-produced from cheap materials. See also kitsch.
You know that locket she said was a priceless heirloom from her grandmmother? It's nothing but a dollar gewgaw from Bargain Basement!
by Mystikan July 2, 2004
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The science of information and its effects upon timespace, as opposed to physics, which deals only with the effects of matter and energy.

Information, the third property of the quantum waves that also define matter and energy, defines physical and temporal structures within time and space. Any waveform has 3 properties: amplitude, frequency, and harmonics, or timbre. Amplitude corresponds to the energy of the wave; the higher the amplitude, the greater the energy. Frequency corresponds to the mass of the wave; low-frequency EM radiation is said to be wave-like (exhibiting energy-like behaviour) and high-frequency radiation is said to be particle-like (exhibiting mass-like behaviour). When the frequency of an EM wave becomes so high that its wavelength (the reciprocal of the frequency) is less than the universal quantum length constant /h, (also known as the Planck-Wheeler length), it becomes a boson, or elemental particle of matter. Amplitude and frequency are qualitative measures; that is, they can be measured as a quantity on a numerical scale.

Information, on the other hand, is qualitative; that is, it can be defined only in terms of the relationship between values as in a mathematical formula or equation. An example of extracting the information component of a wave is a Fourier equation, by which the wave can be dissected into its multiple frequency/amplitude sine wave components. This equation thus represents the harmonic, or informational, component of the wave. For this reason, information cannot, in and of itself, be detected and measured by instruments, but only computed theoretically. Nonetheless, information has a profound effect upon matter and energy, and is the basis of all life.

For example, carbon atoms may form simple structures, such as graphite and diamond, to complex structures, such as carbohydrates and DNA. The factor that gives rise to the formation of complex structures such as DNA, is the information component of the subatomic particles making up the atom in question. This why some carbon atoms have only formed diamond or carbon dioxide, while other carbon atoms have formed living creatures.

Psionics is therefore the science of how information gives rise to such phenomena as life and mind and their effects upon the universe. A corollary ability gained from the study of psionics is the ability to use the information contained within the mind, to actively perceive and affect the state of the Universe.

This ability appears to those who are not familiar with psionics to be "supernatural", "psychic", or "magic" in nature. Such phenomena as telepathy, telekinesis, astral travel, astral projection, fire-raising, and necromancy are all abilities that a purely technological science cannot establish, and therefore must dismiss. However, these abilities, and many others, can and do exist within a framework of science that takes into account the existence of information as a discrete property of the Universe, as well as energy and matter.

Psionics is that framework. The "psychic" abilities noted above can be achieved only when the student has embraced the understanding and knowledge of matter, energy and information, and the relationships between them, contained within the disciplines of psionics as a science.

Since most humans either dismiss the existence of psionics, or covet only the "psychic" abilities without any comprehension of the physical and mathematical principles by which they operate, they manifest little or no capacity in this regard.
Psionics is NOT merely the study of psychic phenomena. It is the true science of information and its application by living things in affecting their environments.
by Mystikan July 2, 2004
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n. 1. A system, structure or organism that is indistinguishable from its component parts, and can thus be reconstructed in whole from any of its parts. 2. G~ n. the collective consciousness of humanity or any other intelligent species. (cf. holographic, holistic) 3. adj. Self-determinining oranisation without need for a leader or central control (antonym heirarchy)
The human brain, because all its cells contribute to the operation of the whole and is not controlled by any one cell, is a gestalt structure.
by Mystikan November 19, 2003
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v. In FPS computer games, to hide near enemy spawn points killing players as soon as they appear, usually because one lacks playing skills or has an exceptionally weak ego.
If you spawnrape on this server, you will be kicked.
by Mystikan December 30, 2004
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Australia, as the 51st state of the United States. Refers to the prevalence of American media and imports that have caused Australian culture to become submerged in the generic cosmopolitanism of the US. Reinforced by Bush's pet lapdog, John Howard, who sold the rights of Australians by accepting the DMCA in Australia, WITHOUT the benefit of the US's fair use laws, in exchange for the "privilege" of selling our best meat, wheat and fruit to the US, leaving Australians with overpriced shit you wouldn't feed to a stray dog.
With the FTA sellout now complete, the large continent south of Asia will henceforth be known as Ausmerica.
by Mystikan July 2, 2004
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In Real-Time Strategy games, notably Age of Empires, a type of game map that uses impassable terrain (usually forest) to prevent players from rushing or coming into contact until the intervening terrain is cleared. Such maps teach bad RTS gaming habits to new players, as they prevent the development of rapid-response early game skills and encourage reckless booming.
There's so many Michi maps on the AOE servers these days that you can't have a decent game any more!
by Mystikan March 25, 2004
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(Cultural Semantics): Symptom of a society in which legitimised greed has created a negative social condition resulting in a widespread desire to escape reality. Often used by capitalist dictators as a political diversion to distract the oppressed populace from issues that would result in said enforcers losing power.
Abuse of drugs is most prolific in capitalist regimes.
by Mystikan May 9, 2004
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