36 definitions by Mystikan

A word coined by Americans to describe the Australian accent. This word is not used by Australians, and American tourists who use it in Australia soon learn not to. See also cobber.
Yank tourist: "I gotta brush up on my Strine!"
Me: "Strine? Hmmm, a sucker... Hey mate, you wanna buy a galah for 50 grand?"
Yank tourist: "Yeah, sure will buddy!"
(I walk away 50 grand richer while Yank tourist gets 10 years for exporting wildlife that farmers shoot as a pest!)
by Mystikan June 27, 2004
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Australian term for a small valley or runoff between two hills.
Man, I could've shot that roo easy if it hadn't pissed off up the gully!
by Mystikan February 26, 2004
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v. The act of economically influencing a sovereign government into passing oppressive and dehumanising laws intended only to benefit the interests of corporate enterprise. Derived from the historical fact that the last 6 revisions of copyright law immediately preceded the time when Mickey Mouse would otherwise have passed into the public domain.
I see the recording industry has disneyed anti-circumvention laws through Parliament last week.

Microsoft just pulled a disney on the anti-trust laws in our country.
by Mystikan November 14, 2005
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Condition in which person's perception of reality differs from that of most others. Commonly believed to be an illness; in some instances this may be the case, but in others it may be that the person exists in a transcendent state that has not yet been defined or detected by science.
I live two lives. One is as a Web developer and programmer on a planet called Earth. The other is as an intergalactic diplomat from the Ammethane system. Both are equally real to me. Neither has adversely affected my existence as a functional being in the opposed reality. But most of you who read this would say I suffer from schizophrenia.
by Mystikan July 2, 2004
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When you're busting for a piss, and finally get to let it go, a pissgasm is the spine-tingling wash of relief that makes you go "Oooaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!"
Mate, when I finally got to break the seal at the pub last night, I had a real pissgasm!
by Mystikan September 1, 2007
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n. 1. The defining characteristic of human nature. 2. The desire to own or control more resources than others.
Greed is not merely "I want more". Greed is "I want more than everybody else". Thus the majority of people are forcibly kept poor because if everyone had a million dollars, a loaf of bread would cost a hundred grand.
by Mystikan January 15, 2004
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A term recently awarded "The Most Outrageous Word" by the American Dialectical Society, referring to Angelina Jolie's adopted Cambodian son. The term suggests a cynical motive for celebrities adopting children from third-world nations, being more to promote their public image than from any genuine motive of saving starving children.
Hey, have you checked out AJ's latest Cambodian accessory? Those celebs are getting social engineering down to a fine art!
by Mystikan January 10, 2007
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