36 definitions by Mystikan

Fashion/Apparel company that used a contrived acronym (French Connection United Kingdom) to allow them to create a logo that looked like a common expletive at first glance. A typical example of the desperate and murky depths to which modern marketing vermin will sink to make a buck.
Anyone who buys fcuk gear is a brainwashed cretin who falls for pathetic marketing ploys.
by Mystikan March 25, 2004
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n. 1. One who hates men. 2. Advocate of denial of rights or social status to men.
The children were denied access to their father because the judge is a misandrist.
by Mystikan November 19, 2003
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Mental condition in which person has an altered perception of reality, usually leading to antisocial or violent behaviour. (plural psychoses)
Examples of psychoses are: schizophrenia, multiple-personality disorder, Christ-complex and chronic paranoia.
by Mystikan July 2, 2004
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In Real-Time Strategy games, the practice of building up a massive attacking force without actually attacking while building up. The resulting huge army is then hurled against an enemy with the intention of destroying them in one fell swoop. However, this tactic invariably fails against experienced players, since an area-attack weapon (like an Onager) can often flatten the whole invading army at a stroke. This then leaves the booming player open to unopposed retaliatory attacks.
MegaLlama tried booming on me, but I wiped his whole army with one Seige Onager and then razed his TC in less than 3 minutes! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
by Mystikan March 25, 2004
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George W. Bush, Tony Blair, John Howard, and all the other warmongering fucking bastard leaders of the Coalition Of The Killing.
Howard Hitler is a fucking bastard.
by Mystikan March 25, 2004
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Pure. Unadulterated. The ONLY way to drink Scotch whisky!
I'll have a double Laphroaig, neat, no ice, thanks.
by Mystikan June 27, 2004
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I live in Adelaide and I've never encountered the word 'seele'!
by Mystikan May 9, 2004
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