13 definitions by Mystic_Snowfang

The sole purpose of which is to let a person, most often a child, know when they are REALLY in trouble. When you are called this, you better be prepared for all hell to break loose.
John William Smith, you get your butt down here this instant!

Lily Ann Williams, what do you think you are doing young lady?

Person A: I gotta go, my Mum just used my full name
Person B: Ouch, hope you aren't grounded for long.
by Mystic_Snowfang June 17, 2008
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The hybridization of a werewolf and a werefox.

A creature of pure power and sexuality
Every full moon Joe becomes a Werefolf and fucks every woman on his block, and beats up every guy who gets in his way.

Joe is a Werefolf
by Mystic_Snowfang May 31, 2010
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What your cat pukes up Often in front of guests or during dinner. Or both
Muffins, our cat, walked in while we were having the revrend over for dinner and coughed up a hairball in his lap
by Mystic_Snowfang June 25, 2010
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Something you NEVER see a toad sitting on
Have you ever seen a toad on a toadstool?
Me neither.
by Mystic_Snowfang August 6, 2008
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Good for hitting people with. One of the weapons of choice when dealing with rodents.
She smacked the rat with a broom
by Mystic_Snowfang May 19, 2008
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pass away
pass on
lose one's life
breathe one's last
meet one's end
meet one's death
lay down one's life
go the way of all flesh
go to one's last resting place
go to meet one's maker
cross the great divide
slip away
give up the ghost
kick the bucket
buy it
turn up one's toes
cash in one's chips
bite the big one
check out
buy the farm
depart this life
join the choir invisible
shuffle off the mortal coil
hop the perch
run down the curtain
by Mystic_Snowfang July 18, 2008
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