4 definitions by Mycreativename

The stupid persons way of exaggeration most often used by people who are poorly educated or just plain dumb.
Girl 1: oh my gosh i totally just chipped a nail!

Girl 2: oh no that is like totally terrible you should go wash your hands before that gets too many germs in it!

Girl 1: you are totally making an exaduration out of this girl.
by Mycreativename May 7, 2013
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Where someone, or something promotes somewhere or something to the point where scum bags find out about it and destroy / ruin it.
Guy 1: dude, i'm thinking of moving to Indianapolis i've heard its a nice place.

Guy 2: where did you see that?

Guy 1: a news article

Guy 2: don't move there now. they are committing Promotion-destruction
by Mycreativename May 7, 2013
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Ejaculation with an exorbitant amount of cum.
I hadn't jacked off all week until I touched myself once and buhdangled everywhere
by Mycreativename July 7, 2016
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used to describe when something has arrived faulty (defective) is sent back to the manufacturer and returned with a different problem
combination of the words refurbished or repaired and defect.
Person 1: this laptop has been sent back 3 times, and its had all kinds of different problems

Person 2: its a refect.
by Mycreativename May 7, 2013
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