9 definitions by MyVeinyMeat

When you have a small penis about the size of a tic tac. People suffering from Tic Tac Dick often blame society for their lack of shlong and thus take it out on everyone as a result.
"Oh don't worry about what he says about you. His ex said he has a serious case of Tic Tac Dick.
by MyVeinyMeat June 26, 2022
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Two Dimensional - Lacking depth, superficial.

People that are shallow and only see things their way. Incapable of seeing things any other way. A lot of people are 2D people living in a 3D world. They just can't comprehend it.
"Of course she only cares about looks and money she's 2-D bro."

"Sucks they passed on you for the job, HR is full of 2-D's."
by MyVeinyMeat June 24, 2022
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Based off of California woman Diana Lovejoy, who faked passing out when she was found guilty for murder. This is when you are in an uncomfortable situation so you fake passing out or something equally crazy to get out of the situation. It is the final form of flaking out.
"We were in the middle of dinner and she told me she had 4 kids so I had to hit her with the ol Lovejoy. Sucks, she was hot."
by MyVeinyMeat March 2, 2022
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The insertion of a golf putter handle into one's anus. You then stand over the ball and wiggle your hips to hit the ball towards the hole. First one to sink it wins the hole.
"I got shit all over the handle of my putter from when we played butt putt last week."
by MyVeinyMeat November 16, 2020
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Someone who is afraid of any snow/ice on the road. No matter how small the amount the powder pussy will schedule off work and hide in his/her domicile until that shit gets fucked.
Snowed 1/2 an inch last night and fuckin Steve won't leave his house for a week. What a complete powder pussy.
by MyVeinyMeat February 4, 2022
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A political alignment that allows women to be at maximum crazy. They can be offended by everything and no one will think they are over emotional. They can protest and yell keywords such as but not limited to "patriarchy" "misogynist" "kill all men" and of course the family favorite "don't censor my pussy". All of these things are of course totally normal. Liberal not-crazy and totally normal women have the advantage of claiming rape for literally anything. Of course some of them have been ligitemately raped and that's horrible, some of them cry rape because a man said hi to them in an elevator. Once again, completely normal behavior. Need a safe space? They've got them and you can totally use them, if you aren't a man that is: straight or privileged. In fact the password for a white male to get into said safe space is "I am totally gay but probably privileged too. Fuck Donal Trump." Does being a liberal sound like its for you? Go to any college campus anywhere to join this pointless but totally normal movement.
I'm a liberal feminist. Bernie Sanders should be president forever. Except for the fact he's a man because all men should die. But seriously vote Bernie guys!!
by MyVeinyMeat August 19, 2016
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Beans For Breakfast. People from the UK eat baked beans during breakfast for some reason.
Person from the UK: *literally anything*

American: bfb
by MyVeinyMeat June 18, 2022
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