3 definitions by MyCowsCanFly

Flying cows are extremely rare, of course. This is an expression of supreme self-confidence. One who is able to "steer" the conversation without being a "bully". This may seem "udderly" ridiculous but it's still "hay-larious".
"Sure, my cows can fly. They need two seats and don't fly as much as they use to but sure, they can fly."

"Oh yea? My cows can fly."
by MyCowsCanFly February 6, 2007
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"Dasmn" is variation on "damn". It started as a typo by MyCowsCanFly in a chatroom. It is also a work around for silly bots that don't like the word "damn" or have no sense of humor. "Dasmn" is not to be confused with "dang" or "darn."
Dasmn, that's a good word!

Dasmn, you dropped that bowling ball on my foot!

"Dasmn the torpedos, full speed ahead."
by MyCowsCanFly August 23, 2006
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Having the attribute(s) of a bovine or going the same direction as a herd.
"Hay, you are sure a coward."
"Cow-ard ho"
by MyCowsCanFly February 7, 2007
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