6 definitions by Mummas

This is usually used as a joke when talking to friends. The penis is normal in shape untill one notices the end, where it has dramatically bulged into a mushroom shape. To get a mushroom cock one can use a lacky band so that the circulation builds up and the head swells. This person usually needs therapy or has a hot date.
Dewy: Sup bro whats been happening?
Jero: Nothing much. Got a huge pain in my penis, it's throbbing like hell. Lisa wont want to see me tomorrow.
Dewy: Hahaha, mushroom cock syndrome? Take that lacky band off the shaft so it doesnt throb you idiot.
Jero: It's not the lacky band, i took that off ages ago. This is prob from the STD i got from the rank chick that thought i had a Watermelon cock.
Dewy: Fuck!! Dude seriously you gotta stop worrying about the shape of your cock it isn't healthy.
Jero: Yer i know but the hoes love it.
Dewy: No they dont.
by Mummas June 19, 2006
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This is usually used as a joke when talking to friends. It refers to the shape of a penis as that of a watermelons. Usually starting of thin then bulges out then thinning at the end.
Mark: Sup bro whats been happening?
Dewy: Nothing much. Paying the shit out of Jero for getting with that hell rank bitch.
Mark: Hahaha she was probably just craving his watermelon cock.
Dewy: Bitches these days all want some.
Mark: True that.
by Mummas June 19, 2006
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A name for a female who has extremely large breasts, or in some cases can be joked around using a guy as the argument.
Guy1: That group of chicks from IONA are a bunch of big tit bettys (BTB's). I wouldn't mind titty fucking one of them.
Guy2: Yer, no shit.

Guy1: I saw this porn the other night, this chick had massive tits.
Guy2: Yet another big tit betty (BTB) making it big in the porn industry.
Guy1: Huh? Shut up.

Guy1: During PE that guy Crockster took off his shirt and damn, he is one massive BTB.
Guy2: Gross dude.
by Mummas September 4, 2005
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The name is given to someone of legendary status, who has proven time and time again that not only are they a legend, but they can compliment it with having a big dick. It is not necessary to see this person's penis to make this judgment as it can be proven by their legendary actions. It is a compliment and not to be confused with a homosexual greeting.

Someone who is a big dick legend usually gets absurdly drunk and proceeds to shout out, 'big dick legend' to anyone that cares to listen.
Mark: *drunk* Mannn .. Taxi driver your dick is so big no wonder it gets caught in the engine.
Taxi Driver: *silence*
Mark: You certainly are one big dick legend.

Dewy: Dude, got so wasted last night, told the bouncer he was a big dick legend and he was amused.
Mark: Haha, what a big dick legend.

Mark: You big dicked legend.

Jero: Guys, you all know I am a big dick legend.
Everyone: *looks away*
Jero: Fine, I am going back to masturbate in my Mercedes.
Jake: You Mercedes driving cunt!
Mark: Haha Jake, you big dick legend.
by Mummas October 5, 2009
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The red haired guy who was used in the marketing and advertising of arrows, a popular computer company in Australia. He was dressed as the typical nerd - greasy, glasses, red hair and bad taste of clothing. Using Gates as his last name is ofcourse, as far as i can see, a way of associating this person with Bill Gates.
Mark: Dude, dude! That guy over there looks like rusty gates.
Josh: Rusty, Rusty! I love you!
Mark: Hahahah i heard you and him had a casual relationship.
Josh: Lets just say he knows how to keep a customer happy.
by Mummas July 10, 2006
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*Guy walks out of room at party with attractive girl*
Mark: You my sir, are a BDL.
Guy: Huh?
Mark: A Big Dick Legend.
by Mummas March 24, 2010
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