10 definitions by MsCtrl

1. To have sexual intercourse.
2. To be take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. To make a mistake; bungle something.
I paid too much, I'm getting fucked on this deal. (victimized)
I'm going out tonight, I hope to be getting fucked later. (sexual)
by MsCtrl January 24, 2009
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1. To have sexual intercourse.
2. To be take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. To make a mistake; bungle something.
I paid too much, I'm getting fucked on this deal. (victimized)
I'm going out tonight, I hope to be getting fucked later. (sexual)
by MsCtrl October 14, 2008
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A computer program that uses brain waves to simulate the sensations of various drugs. It's not intended to feel like the actual drug but to stimulate the brain to release the natural chemicals that make you feel good (like dopamine). Best if used with headphones, just relax and close your eyes. It is intended to suggest to your mind to release the chemicals that make you feel good. But you have to be willing to let it do that. At most, it can only do to you, what you expect it to do.
I listened to i-dozer and I feel more relaxed now.
by MsCtrl January 24, 2009
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