56 definitions by Mr.Juan-derful

a term used to describe politicians (primarily Republicans) who accept campaign contributions from big corporations and then serve those corporations instead of the people
Corporate owned politicians typically oppose any efforts to regulate or tax business, they are against labor unions, and support unfair trade policies that make it easier for big corporations to move jobs overseas to exploit cheap labor in third world countries.
by Mr.Juan-derful May 2, 2010
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since a cd has a larger capacity than a vinyl record some record companies feel compelled to fill in that extra space when a classic album is re-released on cd
Bonus tracks are often alternative versions of songs already on the album or in some cases they are songs that weren't on the original release simply because they suck. Some people think bonus tracks ruin the integrity of the original recording.
by Mr.Juan-derful April 18, 2010
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BP sympathizer and racist running for the U.S. Senate in Kentucky
Rand Paul has said he opposes the Civil Rights Act and that Obama was being "un-American" for criticizing BP over the disaster they created in the Gulf of Mexico.
by Mr.Juan-derful June 27, 2010
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Senator from Connecticut and Al Gore's running mate in the 2000 elections
Senator Joe Lieberman supported many policies of the Bush Administration such as the Patriot Act and the war in Iraq. This angered many Democrats causing Lieberman to lose the Democratic primary in 2006 to Ned Lamont. Lieberman then ran again for the Senate as an Independent and won in the general election.
by Mr.Juan-derful January 15, 2011
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Former Governor of Arkansas elected 42nd President of the United States in 1992 defeating incumbent George H. W. Bush
President Clinton inherited a recession and massive deficits from the previous administration, but he restored the economy and fiscal responsibility all while under constant attack by the vast right-wing conspiracy. After two terms he left office with a record budget surplus.
by Mr.Juan-derful December 12, 2010
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A mediocre president elected in 1980 who is very over-rated, but is worshipped by many modern neocons
President Reagan shifted the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class, while dramatically increasing spending mostly for the military. At the same time he was busting unions and driving down wages for working class Americans. This of course created massive deficits. Reagan supported Saddam Hussein during the war between Iraq and Iran and supplied him with weapons including poison gas he used on the Kurds. Reagan should also be remembered for the Iran-Contra scandal.
by Mr.Juan-derful December 19, 2010
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economic strategy in which the tax burden is shifted away from big corporations and the wealthy and put on the middle class while dramatically increasing spending on things like military hardware thus creating massive budget deficits which are later used as an excuse to cut funding for social programs
Reaganomics was a devious plot to destroy the middle class and usher in a new era of neo-feudalism.
by Mr.Juan-derful August 7, 2010
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