1 definition by Mr. Truth & Company

1) Meaning, a discreet way to tell you partner at dinner in front of your in-laws that you basically want to have sex with their daughter without the older generation knowing what the hell you are talking about.

Used in a sentence:
"Hey Honey, can you pass the potato Latkas and apple sauce, and do you wanna DIFF after?"

2) A scheming way to let your wife or husband know in front of your kids that you are super horny and want to have wild sex as soon as we throw the kids in front of a movie in the playroom.

Used in a sentence:
"Stop balancing your sippy cup on the side of the kitchen table; I swear if their heads weren't ....Hey, I have an idea, Who wants to watch Frozen in the playroom so mommy and daddy can DIFF?"

3) The only socially acceptable way to tell someone in a public venue that you wanna fuck without evoking a sense of inappropriateness.

Used in a sentence:
"Great art gallery opening, I especially like the artist's use of the negative space between the arch of her back and his thigh ...yeah, this painting makes me want to DIFF you later."

Origin of word:
An acronym derived from the phase, "doing it for fun" (D.I.F.F.)
The wrong way to use DIFF in a sentence:
"This Rosemary Chicken is wonderful, I didnt know that Rosemary was an aphrodisiac ...Fuck, i'm horny. This dinner makes me want to Diff the shit out of you! up for it?"
by Mr. Truth & Company November 4, 2015
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