28 definitions by Mr. Dwayne

One of the sexiest supermodels to grace the urban scene in the 21st century.

Originally from Canada, she goes by the nickname "Jessica Rabbit"
Melyssa Ford ain't bad, she was just made that way.

by Mr. Dwayne October 23, 2004
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A situation that happens in a single mothers life when she realizes:

1.) That she was looking for the wrong things in a man to begin with.

2.) The same game he used to knock her up with he's using on someone else who is just as fine or finer than you.

3.) Lack of child support plus one screaming child equals one pissed-off mom.

4.) That a nice car, long-hard dick and money does not make the perfect man.

5.) That she should sew up her vagina and hope "Mr. Right" is a single parent like she is.

6.) She can't party and change daipers at the same time.

See child support
Rachel thought Tyrone was the greatest man in the world! He was nice, he had and elephant-like penis, and he spent money on her constantly. After the baby dropped, and she couldn't lose the weight, the c-section scars or stretch marks. And Tyrone lost interest and decided to set up shop in new territory.
This lack of affection mixed with a screaming child caused Rachel to hate Tyrone with a pashion, causing serious baby momma drama.
by Mr. Dwayne October 28, 2004
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A very talented vocalist with a nice budonkadonk. Kelly has a nice fat ass. Mucho junko in la trunko.
I predict if Kelly Clarkson posed in Playboy, it would be the magazine's hottest issue.
by Mr. Dwayne February 7, 2008
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Something large or massive. A large piece of something.

A large piece of feces.
Stan's father complained about Eric Cartman leaving a large chunk of shit in the toilet.
by Mr. Dwayne May 13, 2005
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The designs or scriptured tatoos that women often get across the small of their backs or on the ass cheeks themselves. Something to read or look at while doing it doggy-style.
Johnny hooked up with Denise, a topless dances with many tatoos, and was reading the booty scriptures like he was a Pastor in the Church of Assology.
by Mr. Dwayne October 18, 2004
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One of the most beautiful throwback vehicles Chyrsler ever made. It's a shame they stoped making them. A beautiful car that would be a travesty to drive in a sub par part of town.
My prowler is the greatest investment to date, next to a 61' big screen tv.
by Mr. Dwayne October 21, 2004
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The most original dance created by Europeans without borrowing from blacks. It allows you to play to your strengths. Instead of moving rhythmically, you move arhymically. However the kicking and the pointing of the toes are pretty nifty looking.

Ashley Simplson did a jig Riverdance on SNL.
Don Cornelieus, the producer of "Soul Train" in an attempted to cater to the mainstream, came up with a new dance show called "The Riverdance Train"
by Mr. Dwayne June 10, 2005
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