51 definitions by Mr Special

What you can say no matter how akward or compromising your present situation. A go to stalling statement.
Her: "Why is your fly open?"
You: "What are we doing?"
Her: "Wtf are you doing talking with her?"
You: "What are we doing?"
Her: "Are you too drunk to fuck?"
You: "What are we doing?"
by Mr Special September 11, 2018
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Him: Your black date is smoking hot!
You: Yeah and on the way here I got some handingo action.
by Mr Special September 10, 2018
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"Dude! Did you see her skate to the bridge railing then 1 and 1/2 pike into the lake?"
"Yeah! I was like WTFG!"

"She sent me the most awesome pictures and I sent her back WTFG!"
by Mr Special September 30, 2021
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The girl whose birthday is being celebrated for the month leading up to her birthday. Everyday she receives something in the mail for her birthday. From postcards to sealed cards to wrapped packages.
"What's with the cool stuff you're getting in the mail?"
"I'm the birthday month girl."

"What's her deal?"
"She's the birthday month girl."
"Oh. So she's special."
"There's no talking to her."
by Mr Special November 2, 2018
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When you perceive that your life is fucked up beyond redemption.
"What are you gonna do today?"
"I got nothing left but bad choices."
"How are you gonna get your girlfriend back?"
"I got nothing left but bad choices."
"I'm sorry to hear about your spouse passing."
"Yeah and now I got nothing left but bad choices."
by Mr Special August 18, 2019
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An extremely rare creature. Always with blonde hair (except maybe the roots) never in a dark shade. Notable for exhibiting a singular ability to stand out from the scene not just for hair color but for non parallel efforts in dress and makeup. Or undress as the case may be.
"See that blonde goth girl? She so stands out from the crowd starting with her hair color."
by Mr Special July 8, 2018
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"Dude you've made bank. Why are you still working?"
"Right? What am I doing here?"

"Hey your wife is passed away. Why do you still live here? Hit the road!"
"Yeah, what am I doing here.?"

"How many times are you gonna let him treat you like that?"
"I know. What am I doing here?"
by Mr Special October 20, 2019
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