1 definition by Mr Johnny Smoke

Main Entry: Mc·Coy
Pronunciation: Mick Coy
Function: noun

1: "The real McCoy" is a phrase used to mean "the real thing" or "the genuine article" e.g. "he's the real McCoy". This idiom is frequently misspelled "The real MacCoy".

2: Used to desribe someone who acts, resembles or talks like a hillbilly or country bumpkin including engaging in ongoing family feuds. Referring to the infamous warring families of the West Virginia(The Hatfields)-Kentucky(The McCoys) backcountry along the Tug Fork River

3: Used to describe someone who's always interjecting a humanistic element in conversations with phrases like... "He's dead Jim" or "I'm a doctor not a..." Referring to Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy from Star Trek.
1: This wristwatch is the real McCoy and not some knock off from the vendor down the street.

2: Dude, you're looking pretty McCoy, why don't you go take a shower.

3: Dammit Jim, I'm a car mechanic, not a brain surgeon!
by Mr Johnny Smoke July 30, 2006
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