28 definitions by Moses

the process of a seriously being merked to an extreme extent.
"Yo, Bush needs some serious merkage!"
by Moses August 24, 2004
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A red headed woman with a stylish bush.
Listen Frank, that Carrot was too tight to pass up.
by Moses October 13, 2003
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Indian (Tamil) origin
1)Used in mainly a playful context with friends.
2)calling some one a dick or asshole.
1)You're such a woundie Deepan!
2)what a WOUNDIE!
by Moses January 31, 2005
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(noun). A game in which you and your friends try to fuck the ugliest bitch you can find and whoever bags the nastiest bitch wins. (typically played when drunk and/or high)
Ryan: Chris is so fucked up, every time we go out all he wants to do is play warpigs.

Dima: Yeah I know, everynight that ass brings back the nastiest slapper I have ever seen.
by Moses April 8, 2005
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The time interval between when you awake in the morning and get in the shower.
Every morning when I wake up it is boner tyme.
by Moses November 24, 2003
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To fail to complete a surfing/skateboarding/snowboarding/biking, stunt, by crashing usually involving bodily harm.
Robby attempted a half air-to-air tick-tack fakey, but he got the willies mid-air, bailed out, and beefed on the quarter-pipe flat. His face was mush.
by Moses March 5, 2004
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A place in Sydney where all the goth and freak people live that just take drugs and have sex all day.
Fuck a freak in randwick
by Moses February 4, 2004
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