2 definitions by Moses Maybe

An expression used by idiots to helpfully identify themselves to other idiots.
Idiot 1: That's awesome.
Idiot 2: Wait, what?
Idiot 1: Uh, I mean, that's "TEH" awesome!
Idiot 2: Oh, thank god! For a second there I thought I wasn't talking to another idiot!
Idiot 1: "PNWED"!
by Moses Maybe September 16, 2005
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Any sufficiently attractive female law officer dispatched to oppress good Christian men by her masters within the international conspiracy of invisible Zionist superjews.
"What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?" inquired the Academy Award-winning director. "Lookin' to kill a few Jesuses," the sergeant gamely replied.
by Moses Maybe August 1, 2006
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