1 definition by Morucooooooo

A amazing person. Harald's are generally wise intelligent and extremely trustworthy, honest and caring people. They are also caring, eccentric, sexual people who are fun to chat with and make people smile.

Harald's were most likely bullied in school and built themselves a protective layer so they can't get hurt this can appear as a defensive layer.

Harald's are extremely mature people who act juvenile to give a sense of ease to others but will easily snap to a very protective person if you threaten them or a person they care about, Harald's generally are quite large individuals mostly found with broad shoulders and barrel chests.

Harald's are people who will stand up for others yet when fighting for themselves are extremely dangerous as there is nothing restraining them from making sure the other person/people aren't going to be getting back up cause to a harald there not winning the first fight there winning the second and third aswell

Harald's are very argumentative individuals who in most cases will always win, haralds also spend a lot of their life making decisions guided by there morality and often decide to not fight as they understand winning may not always be the best option.

As a side note harald's in most cases are growers not showers but have huge dicks and know how to use them, and make fantastic boyfriend's and lovers they also might not believe in themselves but they are definitely worthy of whatever they want.
He manages his team with great power and respect. He's such a Harald.
I wish I was dating him he is such a harald
This guy is huge. He is such a Harald.
by Morucooooooo August 24, 2020
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