15 definitions by Monty Park

The City of Pasadena Municipal Code Enforcement Agency, a massive and labrynthine organization determined to crack down on vile and dangerous house painters, gardeners, and guerilla artists- especially filmmakers.
Joe: "Hey, I thought you put in a new fence."

Jeff: "Yeah, the Taste Police made me take it down, they said it wasn't colonial-looking enough and threatened to arrest me."
by Monty Park June 9, 2009
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The epic wedgie a teenage boy would get for wearing a Jack Welch suit to school.
I'd wear it to school, but who needs a Welch wedge?
by Monty Park August 5, 2009
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1. Expressing a sudden desire to perform the cunnilingial arts, akin to the munchies.

see also Hungry like the wolf.
God dammit, I'm carpet hungry. Why didn't I get my last licks in when I got the chance?
by Monty Park September 30, 2008
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A word used by homothobes. It's highly offensive to the EDKQ community.
Thag book sucked.

Don't be such a homothobe, Kyle.
by Monty Park May 12, 2011
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New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California - an area typically more conservative than the rest of the southwestern region (with the obvious exception of Utah), and, paradoxically, with closer ties to Mexico.
"Even though burritos were invented in San Francisco, it is not considered to be part of the deep southwest."
by Monty Park June 25, 2009
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The temporary use of government as a tool for personal mafia-style tactics.
The Moreaux mayorship has helped to start the Palinization of Perth-Amboy politics.
by Monty Park July 4, 2009
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